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Where does wabi-sabi comes in?

〰️ Less stuff, more soul.

〰️ Less hustle, more ease.

〰️ Less chaos, more calm.

〰️ Less mass consumption, and more unique creation.

〰️ Less complexity, more clarity.

〰️ Less judgment, more forgiveness.

〰️ Less resistence, more resilience.

〰️ Less bravado, more truth.

〰️ Less control, more surrender.

〰️ Less head, more heart.

But how? 🦋

This is where wabi-sabi comes in.

〰️It empowers us to break free from conditioning and start thinking with our own minds, becoming conscious rather than just following the tide without even realizing the power we give it.

〰️ It offers a transformative shift in perspective from the modern world’s obsession with perfection, embracing imperfections as sources of wisdom and meaning.

〰️ It encourages us to appreciate the blessings in our daily lives and celebrate things as they are, rather than longing for an idealized version of reality.

〰️ It reminds us that everything flows. That’s the nature of everything. Impermanence.

〰️ It teaches us to be content with less in a way that feels like more.

Step by step, and together, during the summer wellbeing retreat, we will learn how to bring this to your daily life. In the end, you’ll bring home a newfound peaceful harmony coming from a positive, serene approach to life, connecting with yourself, nature, and others. Just as wabi-sabi and yoga teach us.

(Adapted from the book: Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life)


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