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Someone's Story

I truly enjoyed the Retreat!

I had many reasons to go: having a weekend just for myself, having time to read, understanding the philosophy of yoga better, understanding the meaning of mindfulness, eating healthy and delicious food and even meet who would welcome me! All the reasons to leave Lisbon for a weekend were gathered!

The big surprise was the way I saw the whole retreat. I realized how I don't identify with the philosophy of yoga. Loving God above all things and loving your neighbor as yourself are two commandments that are not contemplated, and I cannot imagine my world without them. But I discovered the power of focusing and preparing ourselves through the body for prayer.

I was so excited to discover this path in the Catholic environment that I already spoke to a Catholic yoga teacher and made a playlist on Spotify with songs to think this way through the body and pray.

Thank you for helping and guiding me in this discovery!

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