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Sofia's Story

After a challenging year, the most complicated so far, I felt the need to change some things in my life and bring some practices that would give me more serenity, tranquility and well-being. For some time, I considered making a yoga retreat, and when I saw myalfazema it seemed perfect. And I'm glad I decided to go.

It was three magical days, in an excellent and very inspiring place, with super sweet hosts, food to cry for more, and super relaxing yoga and meditation classes. Most importantly, I met genuine people with open hearts, which allowed incredible and immediate sharing for those who didn't know each other until then.

These days far exceeded my expectations (which were high!). I feel grateful and privileged to have shared this retreat. I learned a lot, was moved, reflected, grew, and came much more fulfilled and ready to face what awaits me. I'm sure it brought lessons to life.

It was very refreshing, and I genuinely want to do it again.

Many thanks to Leonor and Alexandra for making me feel at home and providing me with a weekend of wellbeing, union and gratitude. A good one.

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